September 17th, 2024

Greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand fall by 3.5% in September 2022 quarter

New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions have fallen by 3.5% (696 kilotonnes) in the September 2022 quarter, according to data released by Stats NZ reduction in the electricity, gas, water, and waste services industry and the manufacturing industry.

Greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand fall by 3.5% in September 2022 quarter

New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions have fallen by 3.5 percent (696 kilotonnes) in the September 2022 quarter, according to data released by Stats NZ on Tuesday.

The decrease comes after successive increases over the previous three quarters and is driven by a significant reduction in the electricity, gas, water, and waste services industry and the manufacturing industry. The fall in emissions was led by a 26 percent (522 kilotonnes) decrease in emissions from the electricity, gas, water, and waste services industry.

Electricity, gas, water, and waste services industry emissions plunge

Emissions from the electricity, gas, water, and waste services industry decreased significantly due to a smaller share of fossil fuels being used to generate electricity and a higher share of renewable energy sources. Hydroelectric generation increased 29 percent over the September quarter, geothermal was up 2.0 percent, and wind generated electricity reached its highest ever level after increasing by 9.7 percent. Meanwhile, GDP for the electricity, gas, water, and waste services industry grew by 3.1 percent.

Manufacturing emissions fall further

Manufacturing emissions also decreased for the second quarter in a row, dropping a further 8.6 percent (205 kilotonnes) to 2,187 kilotonnes. Petroleum, chemical, polymer, and rubber product manufacturing industries were significant contributors to the declines. Over the same period, manufacturing GDP fell by 0.3 percent.

Primary industry emissions flat

Quarterly emissions from primary industries, including agriculture, forestry, fishing, and mining, have been relatively stable over the last five quarters, holding at just under 11,000 kilotonnes per quarter.

Transport services emissions rise

Despite spending most of the September 2022 quarter under the Orange traffic light setting of the COVID-19 Protection Framework, transport emissions rose by 9.3 percent (118 kilotonnes). However, emissions from 'other services', which include the tourist-sensitive hospitality and accommodation industries, decreased over the same period.

Household emissions increase

Household emissions rose by 3.0 percent in the September 2022 quarter, driven by a 3.3 percent (61 kilotonnes) increase in private transport emissions.

Emissions and GDP

Despite the decrease in emissions, GDP rose by 1.7 percent in the September 2022 quarter, while industry emissions, excluding households, fell by 4.1 percent. The data shows that the country is making progress in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining economic growth.