March 6th, 2025

New Zealand government boosts health sector by adding 32 roles to Green List

Immigration settings to attract overseas health workers in preparation for winter season

Immigration Minister Michael Wood (L) and Health Minister Dr Ayesha Verrall (Photo: Beehive)
Immigration Minister Michael Wood (L) and Health Minister Dr Ayesha Verrall (Photo: Beehive)

The New Zealand government announced the addition of 32 new health sector roles to the Straight to Residence pathway of the Green List, as part of their plan to prepare the health system for the upcoming winter season. Immigration Minister Michael Wood and Health Minister Dr. Ayesha Verrall made the announcement on 11 April.

Michael Wood highlighted the importance of making New Zealand's immigration settings competitive to attract health workers amid the current global health worker shortage. "We need more qualified people to help us deliver on our record health investments and help improve access to good healthcare in New Zealand," Wood said.

Dr. Verrall stated that workforce development is one of her top priorities as Health Minister. The 32 health roles added to the Green List cover a wide range of professions, including enrolled nurses, nurse practitioners, dentists, dental technicians, MRI scanning technologists, paramedics, optometrists, pharmacists, and counselling.

With these changes, the Green List now includes a total of 48 health roles, all of which are nationally important and fall under the Straight to Residence pathway. Last month, nearly 900 overseas nurses applied to register to work in New Zealand, following the addition of midwives and registered nurses to the Green List in December.

Dr. Verrall emphasised that the updated immigration settings, along with improved wages for nurses and immigration support, will make New Zealand's offer among the most competitive in the world. "We want to train and retain as many local health workers as possible, but we have immediate shortages we need to address and today's changes, alongside improvements to pay, will go some way to removing barriers to working in New Zealand," Dr. Verrall said.

The Green List also features roles essential to the wellbeing of Kiwi families, including those in social services, education, and justice, which contribute to health service delivery in the country.

In addition, Immigration Minister Michael Wood confirmed that skippers and deckhands will be added to the transport sector agreement. Final details of this agreement are set to be confirmed soon, with implementation expected to begin from late May.

New Green List roles

Addiction practitioner/alcohol & drug clinician



Clinical dental technician

Clinical physiologists (sleep, renal, exercise, respiratory, neurology, and cardiac)


Dental specialists

Dental technician

Dental therapist



Dispensing optician

Drug and alcohol counsellor

Enrolled nurse

Genetic counsellor

Medical laboratory pre-analytical technician

Medical resonance imaging technologist

Nuclear medicine technologist

Nurse practitioner


Oral health therapist

Orthotic and prosthetic technician



Paramedic/emergency medical technician

Perfusionist (cardiac)



Play therapist (hospital)

Social worker

Speech language therapist

Sterile processing technician


Existing roles on Green List Work to Residence pathway moving to Straight to Residence pathway:

Anaesthetic Technician


Medical imaging technologist

Medical laboratory technician

Medical radiation therapist

Occupational therapist.




Existing roles on Green List Straight to Residence pathway:

 Clinical Psychologists

Medical laboratory scientist

Medical practitioners (doctors)



Physicist (Medical)


Registered Nurse


Eligible people will be able to apply from May 29 2023.