March 6th, 2025

Selwyn Waihora Water Zone Committee recommends allocation of $42,000 for projects in 2023

The committee has also recommended providing $8,756 towards the Te Ara Kākāriki (TAK) Kids' Discovery Plant-out day at Te Motu o Ahuriri. The allocated funds will cover all costs for the day, including planting and education on mahinga kai, invertebrates, the journey of the awa/river, raranga/weaving, and rongoā/medicine. (Photo/ Ecan)
The committee has also recommended providing $8,756 towards the Te Ara Kākāriki (TAK) Kids' Discovery Plant-out day at Te Motu o Ahuriri. The allocated funds will cover all costs for the day, including planting and education on mahinga kai, invertebrates, the journey of the awa/river, raranga/weaving, and rongoā/medicine. (Photo/ Ecan)

The Selwyn Waihora Water Zone Committee has recommended the allocation of $42,000 from its Action Plan budget to support projects that align with its priority objectives of enhancing mahinga kai, biodiversity, and recreation opportunities, according to a media release issued today.

Boat Creek Reserve

The committee has recommended allocating $12,000 of its Action Plan budget towards the Boat Creek Reserve restoration project. This project was supported by the committee last year and has seen the planting of nearly 8,000 native seedlings, a predator control program, the clearance of a large strip of unwanted vegetation, and the construction of a fence, gateway, and bridge. The allocated funds will be used to widen a buffer on the side of the creek to reinforce weed control efforts and to create a hydrodynamics information panel to tell the story of the area.

Te Ara Kākāriki (TAK) Kids' Discovery Plant-out day

The committee has also recommended providing $8,756 towards the Te Ara Kākāriki (TAK) Kids' Discovery Plant-out day at Te Motu o Ahuriri. The allocated funds will cover all costs for the day, including planting and education on mahinga kai, invertebrates, the journey of the awa/river, raranga/weaving, and rongoā/medicine. The event will provide students with an opportunity to participate in a local project and make a real difference to the natural spaces they feel connected to. The funds will also go towards creating a sign acknowledging the contribution of Lincoln Primary School, the work undertaken on-site, and encouraging the public to get involved.

Tinaku project coordination support

The committee has recommended allocating $10,000 for riparian project coordination support for the Ellesmere Sustainable Agriculture Incorporated Tinaku project. The project aims to protect and enhance the remaining remnants of native biodiversity within the Ellesmere area and improve water quality in the lowland waterways that feed into Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere and Muriwai o Whata/Coopers Lagoon through multiple restoration projects. The funding will enable ESAI to continue working with landowners and contractors, identifying projects to support, drafting restoration plans, securing plants, and reporting.

Corbetts Road wetland restoration

Finally, the committee has recommended allocating $12,970 towards the first stage of the Corbetts Road wetland restoration project, another Ellesmere Sustainable Agriculture Incorporated (ESAI) project. The funding will be used to plant 1,300 native plants to restore the natural biodiversity of the wetland and its abutting dryland terrace. Additionally, the project aims to filter runoff from the paddocks, uptake nutrients from the groundwater seepage, improve the habitat for native wildlife, and increase mahinga kai values. This funding is in addition to significant contributions made by ESAI and the landowner towards the wetland project, including fencing out the wetland and willow control, as well as planting and maintenance costs.

All of the recommended projects align with the Selwyn Waihora Water Zone Committee's priority objectives, including facilitating actions to achieve catchment nutrient targets and water quality outcomes. The committee's support will enable these projects to continue improving the local environment and enhancing the recreational opportunities for the community.