March 30th, 2025

Waitangi Treaty Grounds gets financial lifeline amid COVID-19 recovery

Waitangi National Trust Board receives $3 million in funding to boost historic site's economic revival

Waitangi Treaty Grounds gets financial lifeline amid COVID-19 recovery

The New Zealand Government has announced its support for the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, one of Aotearoa New Zealand's most significant historic sites, as it continues to recover from the impacts of COVID-19. The Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Carmel Sepuloni, stated that the additional support aims to protect and preserve the site while promoting its economic recovery.

"The Waitangi Treaty Grounds are a taonga that we should protect and look after. This additional support will mean people can continue to embrace, learn about, and enjoy the strands, stories, and experiences of the treaty grounds and the history it represents," Sepuloni said in a media release on 3 February.

Minister Sepuloni emphasised the critical need for investment to ensure the region's economic recovery and to support the historic site. The Waitangi Treaty Grounds play a significant role in Northland's tourism industry, accounting for approximately 10% of the region's employment and 7% of its GDP before COVID-19. Tourism spending in the region exceeded $1.1 billion pre-pandemic.

"Strong tourism in the regions means greater support for hundreds of businesses," Sepuloni said. Prior to COVID-19, more than 113,000 visitors visited the Treaty Grounds, and nearly 10,000 students were able to learn about the grounds through visits.

As cruise ships begin returning to the Bay of Islands and visitor numbers gradually increase, supporting the Waitangi National Trust Board will enable them to maximise the return of tourists and contribute to the Northland economy.

The government has reprioritised $3 million in a one-off investment to support the Waitangi National Trust Board, ensuring the Trust can continue to care for the Treaty Grounds for future visitors, students, and generations to enjoy.