Decades after their initial discovery, a team of NIWA scientific divers, including freshwater ecologist Mary de Winton, who participated in the original studies...
Resources Minister Shane Jones has announced alterations to the RMA that aim to streamline the consenting process for coal mining, bringing it in...
In an initiative to tackle the growing concerns around climate change, the New Zealand Treasury, alongside the Ministry for the Environment, has developed...
Dunedin's sea lion population has experienced its most successful breeding season to date, with the Department of Conservation (DOC) Coastal Otago's biodiversity team recording...
Data released by Statistics New Zealand (Stats NZ) on Wednesday reveals that 60% of New Zealand's highly erodible land is located in the...
Greenpeace Aotearoa is escalating its efforts to address the concerning levels of nitrate contamination in Canterbury's drinking water by announcing a series of free...
Trans-Tasman Resources (TTR), an Australian-owned company planning to undertake seabed mining off the Taranaki coast, has exited the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) hearing, sparking...
A landmark initiative, Tyrewise, has been unveiled by the Ministry for the Environment, New Zealand, as the nation's first comprehensive strategy to repurpose...