September 17th, 2024

Community Press


1 year ago

New Zealand industries show mixed performance in December 2022

New data published by Statistics New Zealand reveals a mixed picture for the nation's industries in the December 2022 quarter. A detailed analysis of...

1 year ago

New Zealand tourism industry rebounds as visitor numbers rise

The tourism industry in New Zealand is rebounding after being heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent border closures. The latest data...

1 year ago

Three-decade journey: tracing the economic ups and downs of New Zealand's GDP growth

As the world continues to face uncertainty and challenges, it is crucial to examine how economies have evolved over time. This in-depth news story,...

1 year ago

2023 Pacific language week series announced to revitalise and sustain indigenous languages

Minister for Pacific Peoples Barbara Edmonds announced the 2023 Pacific Language Week series on 31 March, stressing the importance of revitalising and...

1 year ago

Aotearoa New Zealand aims to become low-emissions, low-waste society by 2050

New Zealand's Ministry for the Environment has released a report on 29 March outlining a new waste strategy for the country. The

1 year ago

New Zealand Commerce Commission releases misuse of Market Power Guidelines ahead of law change

The Commerce Commission has released its Misuse of Market Power Guidelines ahead of a new law change that will make it easier to take...